• yeuth.nl@gmail.com
  • Leiden, the Netherlands

YOU-POD: YOUth engagement through PODcast creation

HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS NEWS & EVENTS EYE PIF YOU-POD: YOUth engagement through PODcast creation #erasmuslife yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Training Course ”YOU-POD: YOUth engagement through PODcast creation” which was implemented in Morfasso, Italy from 01/6/2023 till 9/6/2023 by Sciarra Progetti Teatro! During the Erasmus+ project participants had the chance to learn about the methodologies used […]

Walking Towards 2030

HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS NEWS & EVENTS EYE PIF Walking Towards 2030 #erasmuslife yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Youth Exchange ”Walking Towards 2030” which was implemented in Mollina (Malaga), Spain from 20/5/2023 till 31/5/2023 by Muevete por Europa! During the Erasmus+ project participants had the chance to learn about Sustainable Development and the SDGs and […]

Violence2theBench: Preventing sexist violence through sports

HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS WORK WITH US CONTACT US Violence2theBench: Preventing sexist violence through sports yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Youth Exchange ”Violence2theBench: Preventing sexist violence through sports” which was implemented in L’Orxa (Alicante), Spain from 20/3/2023 till 31/3/2023 by Club deportivo handbol Muro d’Alcoi! During the Erasmus+ project, 35 participants from 7 European countries […]


HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS WORK WITH US CONTACT US AGORA yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Youth Exchange ”AGORA” which was implemented in Burberino di Mugello, Italy from 6/4/2023 till 16/4/2023 by Associazione Viaggi Senza Frontiere! During the Erasmus+ project, 45 participants from 5 European countries had the chance to unite together through direct contact, dialogue, […]

European Youth Workers Climate Action and Green Deal

HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS NEWS & EVENTS EYE PIF European Youth Workers Climate Action and Green Deal yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Training Course ”European Youth Workers 4 Climate Action & Green Deal” which was implemented in Brussels, Belgium from 6/4/2023 till 12/4/2023 by CERA Europe! During the Erasmus+ project, 34 participants from 8 European […]

I.D.E.A. vol.2

HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS WORK WITH US CONTACT US I.D.E.A.vol.2 yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Training Course ”I.D.E.A. vol.2” which was implemented in Spain from 28/1/2023 till 3/2/2023 by Brisa Intercultural! During the Erasmus+ project participants had the chance to learn about entrepreneurship and its benefits and how to develop their own entrepreneurial ideas. It […]


HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS NEWS & EVENTS EYE PIF Dare to C.A.R.E A project that we were recently a partner of was the 10-day Dare to C.A.R.E.-project in Athens, Greece. This Key Action 1 mobility project consisted of 10 participants each from Greece, Romania, Sweden and of course the Netherlands.   In addition, participants from these countries were all […]

First online meeting of the Training Course “DING”!

HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS NEWS & EVENTS EYE PIF First online meeting of the Training Course “DING”! yEUth is happy to announce that today the first plenary meeting of the project “DING” took place! Our team was delighted to take part in it in full force and to participate in a newly approved Erasmus+ project. “Group dynamics: a future for youth” (DING) is […]