European Youth Workers Climate Action and Green Deal

yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Training Course ”European Youth Workers 4 Climate Action & Green Deal” which was implemented in Brussels, Belgium from 6/4/2023 till 12/4/2023 by CERA Europe! During the Erasmus+ project, 34 participants from 8 European countries had the chance to come together with youth workers of institutions and organizations within this network and at the same time to improve themselves, learn new non-formal education methods, learn new workshops and learning approaches, and develop their knowledge in the field of environmental studies. They also learned complementary methods & soft skills in climate & environmental action (CEA) such as effective campaigning, digital communication tools, networking, project development, and organizational design. We would like to thank our Belgian partner for creating such an impactful project!
Silke, a member of the Dutch team, after her first-ever Erasmus+ project, shared with us her experience: <<From 6 to 12 April, I participated in my very first Erasmus+ Project in Brussels, Belgium. Beforehand, I didn’t really know what to expect so I really went in with very little expectations, but I was surprised very positively! This project was absolutely wonderful for me and really contributed to me forming my plans for the future through meeting with other European youth, but on the specific concept of the course, I’m not sure if I developed as much as I expected. Anyway, I can definitely say that the project was a success and I can’t wait to be able to sign up for similar projects and gain more experience.>>



Leiden, the Netherlands
10:00 AM - 18.00 PM Monday - Friday