Feel The Nature
Seminar: Feel The Nature – Kannonkoski, Finland
Seminar: Feel The Nature – Kannonkoski, Finland
Stiching yEUth is delighted to announce the successful conclusion of its venture, ‘TrARTsition,’ which took place from November 21st to December 2nd, 2023, in Sevilla, Spain.
Stiching yEUth is thrilled to unveil its involvement in the youth volunteering initiative ‘APPLICATION&GROWTH’, that took place in Almussafes, Spain, from November 13th to November 22nd, 2023.
Stiching yEUth proudly concludes the successful implementation of ‘A Journey Beyond Borders,’ a youth exchange program that unfolded from November 6th to November 16th, 2023, in Campania, Italy.
As part of the Erasmus+ initiative (2023-1-ES02-KA152-YOU-000138346), this project was dedicated to fostering solidarity, promoting voluntary engagement, and actively involving young Europeans in forums and discussions pertinent to our collective future.
HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS NEWS & EVENTS EYE PIF TOGETHER AS ONE #erasmuslife yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the youth exchange “Together as ONE” which was implemented in Marrakesh, Morocco from 20/8/2023 till 31/8/2023 by the ”Association des Relations Culturelles”. During the Erasmus+ project participants had the chance to communicate and cooperate together in order to […]
HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS NEWS & EVENTS EYE PIF HAACS: Health and Addiction Conscious Society #erasmuslife yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Youth Exchange ”HAACS: Health and Addiction Conscious Society” which was implemented in Tartu, Estonia from 01/8/2023 till 10/8/2023 by Jussikese Seitse Sopra! During the Erasmus+ project participants had the chance to lessen the taboo surrounding substance […]
HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS NEWS & EVENTS EYE PIF YOU-POD: YOUth engagement through PODcast creation #erasmuslife yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Training Course ”YOU-POD: YOUth engagement through PODcast creation” which was implemented in Morfasso, Italy from 01/6/2023 till 9/6/2023 by Sciarra Progetti Teatro! During the Erasmus+ project participants had the chance to learn about the methodologies used […]
HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS NEWS & EVENTS EYE PIF Walking Towards 2030 #erasmuslife yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Youth Exchange ”Walking Towards 2030” which was implemented in Mollina (Malaga), Spain from 20/5/2023 till 31/5/2023 by Muevete por Europa! During the Erasmus+ project participants had the chance to learn about Sustainable Development and the SDGs and […]