Defending the right to humanity for all


Title: Defending The Right To Humanity For All
Project ID: KA210-YOU-B4366B04
Duration: September 2023 – February 2025





NEOANALYSIS [GR]       Stichting yEUth [NL]


The project aims to raise awareness & empower young people to understand inclusion and support minorities to get integrated into their communities.


The concrete objectives of the project are to:


1. Encourage young people to become more conscious of their rights and obligations.
2. Empower young people and understand the importance of social inclusion.
3. Provide them with knowledge of EU values and human rights.
4. Enhance them with innovative ideas, interaction, knowledge, and most of all inspiration for their personal and professional development.


The project aspires to promote inclusive and equitable education for all. For this reason, it is of great importance to inspire the young generation in order to be actively involved in decision-making and get familiar with the SDGs (Agenda 2030). In the context of this project, four SDGs are being targeted:


Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.

Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.


The project is designed with the intention of promoting social integration and human rights education, while also ensuring access for the most vulnerable social groups, such as migrants, Ukrainian refugees, young people facing various challenges, and more. The project aims to serve as a guiding force for the target group not only during its implementation but also beyond. It offers young people aged 18-30 an opportunity to comprehend the crucial role that active citizenship plays in our daily lives and the significance of democratic participation among individuals from diverse national, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds.


Activity 1
Kick-Off Meeting in Leiden, Netherlands.

Dates: 22-23 September 2023 - with 2 representatives per each organization.


- Presentation & discussion of the project & its methodology.

- Organization of the upcoming activities/events (logistic parts, etc.)
for dissemination.

- Partnership agreement & financial obligations.

- Final reporting.

- Clarification of the communication channels that will be used to disseminate the project.

- Development & dissemination of the collection of the best practices on e-library.

- Sharing ideas on how to create the NFE Toolkit.

Activity 2
Collection of Best Practices[Creation of an e-booklet]

Dates: 01 October 2023 - 15 January 2024.


- The partners will carry out desk research on 10 Best Practices, from each partner country, focusing on the promotion of social integration of vulnerable groups of people (e.g. migrants, refugees) and human rights.

- Creation of an e-booklet, as a useful online tool for youngsters to
get inspired and become aware of the existing opportunities in their
local community.

Activity 3
Implementation of 1st Local Workshop (each partner organization)

Dates: 02 February 2024 - 29 February 2024.


- Enriching knowledge on migration, integration, gender equality, quality education & workplace inequalities.

- Empowering free speech & new ideas, especially for disadvantaged groups.

- Awakening youngsters' interest in the SDGs for future development.

- Engaging youngsters in activism.

- Highlighting the need for more sustainable politics.

Activity 4
International Training Course on Human Rights Education in France

Dates: 10 March 2024 - 16 March 2024

Participants: 6 (18-30 y.o.) per partner (5 y.p. + 1 trainer from yEUth & Neoanalysis).

Priority to: Vulnerable social groups, fewer opportunities.


- Promotion of the e-booklet with the Best Practices from each country.

- International exchange of ideas.

- Understanding the existing socio-economic inequalities of each country.

- Providing youngsters with various backgrounds with opportunities for active citizenship and democratic participation.

Activity 5
Creation of an NFE Toolkit for the integration process

Dates: 20 March 2024 - 28 June 2024.


- Creation of a Toolkit with 3 distinct chapters on digital, economic & socio-democratic issues and solutions, targeting new skills and fostering active citizenship.

- Provision with the necessary information about human rights education.

- Creation of a useful educational tool for everyone (youth, educators,
youth workers, etc.).

Activity 6
Implementation of 2nd Local Workshop (each partner organization)

Dates: 01 May 2024 - 31 July 2024.

Venue: ONLINE in each partner country.


- Enriching knowledge on migration, integration, gender equality, quality education & workplace inequalities.

- Empowering free speech & new ideas, especially for disadvantaged groups.

- Awakening youngsters' interest in the SDGs for future development.

- Engaging youngsters in activism.

- Highlighting the need for more sustainable politics.

Activity 7
International Youth Conference in Athens, Greece of an NFE Toolkit for the integration process

Dates: 17 September 2024 - 20 September 2024.

Participants: 3 per partner.


- An overview of the EU values & the different aspects of Human Rights violations in the partner countries.

- Discussion on the development of more inclusive societies.

- Fostering active citizenship for social change on Human Rights.

- Fostering a & multicultural dialogue.

- Promoting integration policies.- Creation of a useful educational tool for everyone (youth, educators, youth workers, etc.).

Activity 8
Photo Contest & Exhibition on Human Rights Violations

Dates: 15 June 2024 - 30 October 2024.

Target Group: Young people between 18 - 30 years old.

Photos: Minimum 20.


- Providing youngsters with an opportunity to use art to depict violations of human rights.

- Engaging young people to spread the word on human rights & social integration.

- Enhancing the project's visibility via online & onsite exhibitions of art products.

Activity 9
Social Media Campaign

Dates: 01 November 2024 - 28 February 2025.

Expected Results:

- Advocacy for the promotion of human rights & sustainable development.

- Dissemination of all project results through social media posts, partners' websites, newsletters, and participants’ testimonials.


Leiden, the Netherlands
10:00 AM - 18.00 PM Monday - Friday