SOLID IN EDU "Fostering Solidarity through Education"

SOLIDinEDU is an initiative concerning educational establishments and policies towards social inclusion and active participation matters, through the enhancement of solidarity, empathy amongst both communities and individuals.


The project has 3 phases:


Three “Youth labs” 

field investigation 

International meeting in Athens, Greece!


The objectives of this project consisted of discussing the problems found in educational establishments and to create policies towards social inclusion and active participation by use of the enhancement of solidarity and empathy amongst communities and individuals. More precisely, the project aimed to:


To promote equality, social cohesion, active citizenship, in accordance with the Educational and Training Framework 2020


To investigate how diversity and inclusion, solidarity, social identity, reflection, and volunteerism is fostered in the formal education framework


To provide useful recommendations to local authorities and educational institutions through country-specific analysis and the exchange of best practices, in accordance with evidence-based policy-making,


To connect the EU with Youth through quality information and constructive dialogue inspired by the EU Youth Strategy.

ACTIVITIES of the project

Outside of field investigations and interviews with educational experts, participants from each country engaged in “Youth Labs” to investigate school’s curricula. By use of these youth labs, they established learning methods/educational policies for their countries based on the context of the project’s 4 key themes:

  1. Diversity and Inclusion
  2. Solidarity
  3. Social Identity and Reflection
  4. Volunteerism


These results were presented during the Transnational meeting in Athens which consisted of open discussions with educational experts, workshops for personal development, discussions and a meeting with a representative of the EU parliament; Charis Koudouros.


The Youth Labs were used for open discussions and to finally create the SolidinEDU booklet of recommendations. 


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Leiden, the Netherlands
10:00 AM - 18.00 PM Monday - Friday