On December 13th, 2024, a partner’s meeting of the Erasmus+ KA3 project “VISYON” was held both in person in Rome, Italy, hosted by CIAPE and online. 


The meeting kicked off with a quick summary of the agenda. Updates on the release of the short films on YouTube were then provided. The discussion then shifted to the ongoing dissemination activities under Work Package 2 (WP2), with partners reviewing progress and planning the next steps. The group also examined pending tasks for WP2 and WP5, focusing on finalizing details for the Rome Final Event. Following this, FECE presented an in-depth impact analysis, and Monomyths introduced the VISYON Toolkit. The meeting ended with a Q&A answering questions, providing clarification, and ensuring that all partners were aligned moving forward. 


This meeting was a key event within the VISYON project, which aims to enhance youth participation and civic engagement throughout Europe. The project equips young people with the tools they need to actively engage in society, empowering them to have a say in shaping the future. Based on the 11 European Youth Goals (EYG), it encourages dialogue on the effectiveness of current policies and examines ways to better align them with the needs of young people. In accordance with the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027), the project is based on three main elements: Engage, Connect, and empower. 

Leiden, the Netherlands
10:00 AM - 18.00 PM Monday - Friday