Breaking Free from Modern Addictions


It is widely known that the concept of addiction does not relate only to drugs, alcohol, or other chemical substances. Nowadays, addiction also relates to a wide variety of behaviors, including the use of the internet, social media, and smartphones. For most people, some of the above-described behaviors, constitute mere habits, without affecting other important areas of their life. However, for an alarmingly growing part of the population, especially young people, these habits have evolved into psychological addictions, which absorb and erode their lives, in a way similar to substance abuse.


Therefore, taking initiatives for the appropriate education of young people in this field and consequently their protection against the risks of internet addiction and other forms of psychological/behavioral addictions is an urgent need for modern society.


Clarify the difference between habit and dependence and learn to recognize the signs of developing psychological addictions.
Be informed and understand the different expressions and the extent of internet addiction in the participating countries
Gain hands-on knowledge of various stress and emotions management techniques and approaches in a creative way, as well as realize the benefits of activities that combine sports, art, self-awareness, and self-expression and embrace methods of physical, mental, spiritual, and social development.
Embrace the basic principles of prevention and self-protection against psychological addictions with of focus on internet addiction and all of its aspects.
Assess the gravity and dangerousness of the consequences, against the misconception that psychological addictions lack destructive potential; because they lack the physical symptoms that substance addictions cause.
Be informed and understand the different expressions and the extent of internet addiction in the participating countries
Get a realistic picture of the phenomenon of addiction in general and internet addiction as a new face of modern addiction, and realize the vulnerability of all of us to it.
Be aware of existing prevention and response initiatives and practices of the society and the states.



Stichting yEUth (Netherlands)


Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group (Greece)

Asociación Creamos Europa (Spain)

Associazione Scienze Naturali Unite aps (ItalY)

DARNOJE (Lithuania)


– ”Addicted to life” DIGITAL MANUAL: contains all participants’ recommendations for a lifestyle resilient to addictions

– Study visit in Zwole: a descriptive analysis from all social interviews data in Zwolle

– Participants’ interviews: a video with all interviews of 3 participants from each country

– The local dissemination activity: “Youth in Action Against Addictions” local dissemination activity in Ommen (+ VIDEO)

– Project’s recap video: a diary of all activities & the beautiful moments of #BFMA project, in a video/photo slideshow format



On the first day of activities, we focused on building connections and setting the foundation for collaboration, so we engaged in name games, icebreakers, and team-building activities to establish a sense of community. We created the "Tree of Expectations" and "River of Fears” to address our expectations and concerns and agreed on rules the group must follow. We also introduced Erasmus+ and Youthpass and the day concluded with an evaluation session and a welcoming party.


On the second day of the project, we started exploring the theme of addiction. The day began with team-building activities to strengthen collaboration, followed by our first workshop about the differences between habits and addictions. The second workshop introduced us to modern addictions and was presented by the Italian team. The day concluded with an evaluation session and the Italian intercultural night.


On the third day, we delved deeper into understanding addiction through collaborative workshops and creative expression. The day began with all countries presenting research and case studies on addictions in their countries obtaining a global picture of the problem. Later, using the “snowball” method we analyzed the complex causes of addiction. Creativity played a key role, as participants engaged in role plays and created short films to explore addiction's underlying causes. The day concluded with evaluation and the Greek intercultural night.


Spanish team took over the fourth day of the project. Participants became journalists creating articles and online campaign materials to highlight the consequences and the impact of addiction on individuals, families, and society. The day featured a special session with a guest, WEGOZERO, who delivered a presentation, followed by an open discussion about zero waste and sustainability. The midterm evaluation was conducted, and the day concluded with the Spanish intercultural night.


The fifth day of the project centered on practical insights and policy discussions related to addiction. We visited a small city, Zwolle, where we interviewed locals on their perspective of modern addictions. After lunch, the Lithuanian team facilitated a workshop on prevention, treatment, and local or international policies about addiction engaging participants in group debates and interactive discussions. The day concluded with an evaluation and the Lithuanian cultural night.


The sixth day focused on combating stigma and fostering resilience against addiction. The first workshop of the day introduced us to solidarity for addicted people and was conducted by the Dutch team. For the remaining activities of the day, participants emphasized building personal resilience for healthier lifestyles through mind-mapping, experience sharing, forum theater, and open discussion in a circle. Evaluation was conducted and the day ended with the Dutch intercultural night


The activities of day seven focused on empowering participants to take action against addiction through project management training and collaborative planning. The day began with training on project management and tools for successful youth initiatives conducted by the Greek team. Since participants had an idea of organizing an event, they brainstormed and drafted proposals for local activities, culminating in a group vote to select one for implementation. This day all participants were actively participating in the preparations for the chosen activity, allocating roles, planning, and managing all the details. The day ended with an evaluation and a night out in Ommen.


The last day marked the culmination of the project with the implementation of the local activity, "Youth in Action Against Addictions", actively involving participants and the local community in meaningful engagement. This was followed by reflections on the self-development journey and participants then took part in an NGO Bazaar, fostering networking, brainstorming, and ideas for future collaboration. The day concluded with a Final Evaluation, the Youthpass Awarding Ceremony, an emotional Closing Activity and a celebratory Farewell Dinner to mark the end of the project.



Leiden, the Netherlands
10:00 AM - 18.00 PM Monday - Friday