SOLIDEU: Youth Volunteering at European Level

Stiching yEUth is proud to unveil ‘SOLIDEU: Youth Volunteering at European Level,’ that took place in Villalar de los Comuneros, Spain from October 20th to October 29th, 2023. As part of the Erasmus+ initiative (2023-1-ES02-KA152-YOU-000138346), this project was dedicated to fostering solidarity, promoting voluntary engagement, and actively involving young Europeans in forums and discussions pertinent to our collective future. 


‘SOLIDEU’ standed as a platform to instill in young Europeans a profound understanding of the significance of solidarity, voluntary initiatives, and their active role as members of the European community. It served as a forum where youngsters could  shoulder responsibility and collaboratively seek solutions to the pivotal challenges our continent faces. These encompass gender equality, environmental protection, combating climate change, addressing demographic shifts, and countering youth unemployment. 


At its core, ‘SOLIDEU’ aimed to cultivate a sense of social responsibility within the younger generation, encouraging their active engagement with and commitment to the pursued goals. This included aligning with frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and pivotal documents like the Green Deal and the New European Bauhaus, among others. 


The Town Council of Villalar de los Comuneros, a member of the Network of European Routes of Emperor Charles V, was enthusiastic about spearheading this youth exchange. Through innovative models of non-formal education and dynamic interactions among young Europeans, this initiative was poised to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of their roles as future European citizens. Simultaneously, it aimed to elevate their involvement in voluntary projects, fostering a deeper commitment to solidarity and volunteering.


‘SOLIDEU’ seeked to inspire a generation of active and engaged European citizens, empowering them to play pivotal roles in shaping a collective future characterized by cooperation, solidarity, and a proactive approach to the challenges we collectively face.




Leiden, the Netherlands
10:00 AM - 18.00 PM Monday - Friday