INSTALL YOUTH - Blended Mobility

A 5-day Blended Mobility took place in Athens, Greece from the 23rd to the 28th of January 2023.


The main aim of the blended mobility was to enable youth workers and ICT/Science educators to discuss and test the training content and format for digital citizenship and science literacy upskilling.


During the Blended Mobility, participants had the chance to:


– discuss their experiences in disadvantaged youth education, digital and scientific empowerment for youth.
– discuss the best practices included in the Install Youth Best Practices manual.

– Explore through a series of theoretical sessions instruments and techniques relevant to science literacy, digital skills, and digital citizenship education.
– select, refine, develop, and test training formats aimed at the enhancement of basic science literacy and digital citizenship skills of disadvantaged youth.


During the 5-days mobility, participants piloted non-formal education activities designed by the project partners and had the opportunity to design innovative and engaging activities by themselves. All the activities created during different project phases will be tested during the Local Install Youth Challenges in Italy, Greece, and the Netherlands, which will take place in May 2023.


INSTALL YOUTH Handbook will be finalized and published at the beginning of June 2023.

Leiden, the Netherlands
10:00 AM - 18.00 PM Monday - Friday