Stichting yEUth is happy to announce its participation in the Erasmus+ project “Pathway to Well-Being,” which was implemented in Mersrags, Latvia, from July 6, 2024, to July 14, 2024, by AFS Intercultural Programs! During the project, participants had the chance to improve their well-being by exchanging ideas, developing digital and entrepreneurial skills, and implementing healthy habits and attitudes in everyday life in the long term.
For five days, they focused on participating in a seminar that included lectures, workshops, and practical activities. In this seminar, they were learning by doing activities outside in nature. The seminar also enabled participants to create international networks for future cooperation. We believe mental and physical well-being is crucial for a happy and productive life. Having the skills to understand one’s needs and keep healthy habits and attitudes leads to feeling more grounded and peaceful even during challenging periods and builds emotional resistance.
“Pathway to Well-Being” was a great project through which all participants gained a lot of knowledge, competencies, and new experiences. The Dutch team came back very enthusiastic, inspired, and motivated, so we really want to thank our Latvian partners for creating such an impactful project!
Kai from the Dutch team shared his experience: “It was an experience where I met myself.”
#ErasmusPlus #Latvia #Yeuth #Erasmus #WellBeing #YouthExchange #HealthyHabits #EmotionalResistance