Highlights from the Galeria Bonn NGO Fair


Stichting yEUth had the great opportunity to be invited by Dr. Ludwig Intelligent Projects in the context of the Erasmus Boosters project to participate in an NGO fair held on Saturday, July 13, 2024 at the Galeria in Bonn, Germany, where our work was presented to more than 200 engaged visitors.


The event was an extraordinary success, serving as a vibrant platform for discussion and education on Erasmus+ and other EU programs. It provided a valuable forum for yEUth to share ideas about our completed and ongoing projects, generating significant interest among the youth on the spot.


Alongside other European NGOs, yEUth was able to connect with the community and showcase its initiatives effectively.


The Open NGO Fair made a significant impact, with passersby also taking notice and viewing the poster exhibition. The support from the Representation of the European Commission in Bonn, which provided brochures, informational materials, a prize wheel, and a quiz with prizes, greatly enhanced the educational experience for attendees. Stichting yEUth extends heartfelt thanks to Dr Volker Ludwig for his invitation and support and looks forward to future opportunities to engage with the community and promote EU educational programs.


Check also the previous edition of the NGO Fair organised in Athens, Greece. 




Leiden, the Netherlands
10:00 AM - 18.00 PM Monday - Friday