VISYON Short movies Scripts

Unveiling European Youth Voices

yEUth is happy to announce the elaboration of the short-movie scripts which were developed by each young local group in the partner countries.
The scripts presented in this document were created by the local groups of the VISYON project established in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, and Malta. Two additional scripts (EU Youth Goal #5 and EU Youth Goal #9) were created during the Youth Mobility in Athens and have been already shot!
All scripts are dedicated to the 11 European Youth Goals, and each VISYON team had one specific goal they were working on. The scriptwriting process was complex and challenging, as these scripts were based on the European Youth Diary. The European Youth Diary is a result of the collaboration among the VISYON young local groups around Europe, which were actively engaged in the discussion about the European policies related to the 11 European Youth Goals by conducting interviews with their peers. This document presents the voices of 267 young European citizens resonating with a common purpose – to assess the effectiveness of European policies in achieving the 11 Youth Goals, and to propose a roadmap for their improvements.
The European Youth Diary is divided into 11 chapters – one chapter for each European Youth Goal and presents the general overview of the collected interviews and highlights interesting suggestions, stories, views, and recommendations for improvements. After a careful analysis, the country’s scripts are the results of a creative process: to develop the scripts, each local VISYON group, supported by partner organizations, engaged in script writing workshops. 
Moreover, to support young people in this challenging task, the team of Tanino Films – a professional movie agency from Italy, was actively involved in the script development process by providing continued support and feedback for the local VISYONers.
Now it’s time to transform the theory into practice and to switch on the lights on the sets. Tanino Films crew is expected to visit each local group to start filming their masterpieces! This trip has already started in Athens, where the 2 first scripts (EU Youth Goals #5 & #9) were shot during the international youth mobility as well as the Greek script (EU Youth Goal #8) after the mobility.
From the end of August 2024, the 11 VISYON short movies will become available for all! STAY TUNED!



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