Visyon's 4th Press Release

International Youth Mobility Event Unveils Cinematic Reflections on European Youth Goals


The VISYON project, under the Erasmus+ program, proudly announces the successful culmination of its International Youth Mobility event, a dynamic initiative that brought together young participants from Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, and Malta. The event, held in Athens from 17 to 23 February 2024, marked a journey that saw the convergence of diverse talents and creative minds to explore and express the European Youth Goals through the short-movies creation.


The event kicked off with a vibrant first day, where VISYONers engaged in team-building activities and energizing sessions, fostering connections across borders. Each participating group presented their finalized script versions, encapsulating the essence of the European Youth Goals. The sharing session not only showcased creative inspirations but also shed light on the challenges of scriptwriting and the collaborative efforts involved.


On the second day, participants delved into activities focused on storytelling, acting, and conceptualizing their scripts for the European Youth Goals of Mental Health and Well-being & Space and Participation for All. Key message ideas were introduced, and storylines began to take shape, laying the foundation for the upcoming filming phase.


A pivotal moment arrived on the third day with a script-writing workshop, where participants, divided into two groups, collaborated on the first drafts of their scripts reflecting European Youth Goals #5 Mental Health and Well-being and #9 Space and Participation for All. The session not only honed their scriptwriting skills but also deepened the bonds formed during the event.


The following day witnessed the completion of the final scripts, paving the way for the exciting filming phase in collaboration with Tanino Films. Guided by Tanino’s experienced team, participants, now divided into multiple departments, embraced the challenges of planning, directing, and showcasing their acting talent in two short movies— “The Harder They Fall” and “Take the Leap.”


Tanino Films, joining from Wednesday to Friday, provided invaluable insights into the filmmaking process, creating a seamless experience for the participants. The filming phase, spanning three days, allowed more than 40 movie-making enthusiasts to exhibit their creativity, planning, and directing skills, bringing the European Youth Goals to life on the screen.


This event was a part of 2 years VISYON project, which empowers young Europeans to engage, express themselves, and contribute to the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027). The unique approach of using short movies as a medium for expression reflects the project’s commitment to innovative engagement.


The Youth Mobility event has set the stage for a series of short movies, with two already completed during the Youth Mobility. The remaining films will be produced in the participating countries in collaboration with Tanino Films between February and August 2024.


Reflecting on this transformative experience, VISYONers expressed a range of emotions and highlighted the satisfaction derived from overcoming challenges. The event not only showcased the creative prowess of the participants but also reinforced the significance of collaborative efforts in achieving the European Youth Goals.


For more information about the VISYON project, please visit


About the VISYON Project:


The VISYON (Values, Ideas, and Stories from Youth ON stage) project, funded by the Erasmus+ program, brings together youth organizations from eight European countries. The project focuses on empowering young Europeans to engage, express themselves, and support the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027) through an innovative approach—creating short movies.